9 to 5
Yep, I studied under the typical work schedule from 9 am till 5 pm with a 30 min lunch break, and two 15 minutes break without lingering at the coffee machin. It’s beena while since I’ve function in that time frame, but I will do it as often as possible.
I used my new ADD med startegy, and it got me up, and functional by 6 am. I managed to cook, eat and do the dishes before leaving for school. My lunch was duly packed, everything ran smooth, and got a lot done. I still have much homework to bite off, but I will get their. Adrenaline is kicking in since I’m mildly under my study expectations.
I feel like in a academic bootcamp. I’m putting my inner winning, and excuses to the side, and I just go. I’ll be tired when I feel safe again in my progress. Also, tomorrow we have our first class in person for my chemistry class, and we will prepare for our first lab held Wednesday. I want to be a good lab partner to my buddy, and show my gratitude to my teacher for his excellent teaching skills. I have scheduled to prepare for my lab after class, and will make sure to have a good strategy in hand for everything to go smooth. I want to tackle this like a champ.
I almost feel my motivation saying to me: “protein shakes, and leg day bro.” I’m consciously putting on pause my sensitive,and self-absorbed nature to prioritize performance. Despite my emotional tamming, I did reach out to participate in a workshop for self-management of depression symptoms. It’s led by a psychologist, and I will be interviewed in the days to come to see if my needs fit the format of the workshop. I hope I can connect with like-minded people, and gain further insight in how to manage my condito. To be continued.
For the time being, I’m turning into Missy private student. A rigorous mental training is underway, and no complaining is allowed till the job gets done. Yes mam yes!