A bad night still led to a productive day.
My metabolism decided that 3:45 am was a perfectly good time to wake up this morning. The best part is that my brain was having a full blast cranky party. Seeing the negative in everything, and being all critical of everyone. Hurray for PMS!
It seems that those lovely dichotomique states that rotate from the beginning to the end of a cycle coexist in perfect chaos. Right now, I feel like ripping a face off, any one’s face off; except children. Even when they misbehave I don’t want to hurt them. Argh! Where can I find release for my angry teeth that wants to bite, and ripe off to shred anything, and not consume it? I feel like a honey badger.
Now that I’ve blogged away some steam, my day was fine. I’m demoralized for no real reason. Studying was good today, my health is good, I wished happy birthday to my dad, all’s well. Still, stomp stomp stomp, growl growl hiss, scratch.
I want massive improvement immediately when it comes to my home. It’s a mess, and I can’t address it head on because so many little projects, and unexpected tasks pop up randomly. I’ll be more settled once that closet is finished. I detest dragging a fairly simple project for so long.
St’s is still cruelly sick, and in pain. I’m happy to take care of him, but it’s also hard not to be able to make progress on the projects we have. I have no clue of when he’ll get better, nether does he. All I can hope is the his three days weekend starting tomorrow will allow him to shed away this cold.