A last and a first
Today I planned my last chemistry lab, and my first spinning class since 2018. My lab partner and I are getting nostalgic at the thought that it’s the last time we’re partnering up to mix some molecules in solutions. What a journey it has been. On the other hand, I’m all giddy to return to one of my favourite forms of exercise. It’s about time I take care of my body in an active way.
Since my energy levels are stabilizing, I think vigorous exercise will be a rough, but necessary addition to my health routine. At least, good music, and enthusiastic people await. I will be completely out of breath, but I did this before. It takes a while to get the cardio, than it just starts flowing. It’s a matter of persistence.
On the topic of persistence, even if I chunck my study time in shorter more cofused blocks, I’m still advancing, and making progress. The nerd in training is growing. Even if it’s hard, I really enjoy doing my homework now. To understand so much things I was completely oblivious to at the beginning of the semester is great motivation. I can’t believe the amount of information I managed to absorb in les than a year. And that’s just the start. Learning is indeed the best natural antidepressant.
As excited I am to make progress, I have to make sure I get appropriate rest. Which is what I need to do now. A thrilling new day awaits.