A quick word after a chill study day
I’m going 180 on my pre-exam attitude. From everything I’ve learned about, stress, how to study, physiology, and psychology throughout my life, I’ve decided that this final week would be a healthy one. I’m prioritizing my sleep, good food, exercise, and activities for my mental health over panicking, and over doing it. It’s working. Compared to the previous days, today was the day I chuncked my study sessions the most, I took a nap, and stayed calm throughout day. I’m worth better then to destroy myself just to fit some passé model of studying. I’m going to use science to my advantage, and respect my neurological processes from now on. I’m ready for my exam tomorrow. My math skils are good, my understanding of the material is excellent, and my mood is fabulous.
Night night! And don’t wish me luck because I planned well and can rely on my skills.