A real wall
As time goes, the less I can complete my exercises in chemestry. That I spend 3 days, and a total of two hours and a half on one problem, going back again and again with new strategies, that I read the book or go online, still, I cannot answer it. The worst part is that it’s a medium difficulty level. I’m going to other exercises and the same keeps on happening. I can somewhat do the easy stuff, but not easily.
I’ve been told that chemistry is hard, and I agree. The problem is that I had selected it as one of my courses to succeed on out of the four I have. Changing my focus and going reorienting my efforts on an other cours is a gamble at this point. I believe I could do my algebra online course through. Yet again, I have to restrategize as a new firm block is on my educational path.
I really am helpless at this point. Efforts are not even relevant since the subjects are so complex. Basic understanding does not allow am average IQ person to succeed. Unless I have much more preparation for this chemistry course, probably a year of pre-chemistry studies, than I could succeed. Right now, I’m at a dead end.
I will contact once more my student with disability support agent, I will explain the situation and I will have to once more mitigate the damage. The only issue is that chemistry is one of the most important subjects for my future studies. If I’m not accepted by the student financial aide as having a learning disability, that means I will have a failure that will affect the rest of my study path.
I am considering abandoning all classes except biology to save my grades, but that means I will no longer have enough financial aide to survive. My dream of being a professional student is dramatically in jeopardy. One other option is to change for a spychology certificate that would be achievable, then study my highschool math and science one class per semester.
To be continued, with discouragement, exhaustion and demotivation.