A soft Sunday
I woke, and fell back asleep; woke, and fell back asle; woke up, did groceries, cooked, enjoyed a delicious dinner, and I’m about to fall back asleep.
A recovery day was much needed. My energy tank is refilling well. I miss St. We spent are awake time on the phone together. We have become unseparable, and we adore it.
Before we started dating, we were both clear that we wanted to be in a relationship. We also knew we wanted to live with someone, and commitment was no issue. It’s the first time I’m in a functional committed relationship, and it’s so calm, and energizing. What a difference from the past.
Making decisions is light, none dramatic, and pleasant. No heavy negotiations or convincing is needed, no long explanations or uncomfortable arguments take place. When we want something we express it, and we conquer because we have the same final goal: a life together.
We’ve decito post our relationship status on Facebook. I know, it’s soooooo passé, but it’s a way to indicate to our families, and social circle that we are in a relationship for the long run. Without a doubt, and in fun, we made our announcement to the world.
Since it was a recovery day, not much has happened. Love was at the center of my activities.