A typical Saturday
My ADD med alarm rang at 5 am, I swallowed my pill, and rolled back in to bed till the medication took action. I enjoyed me favourite type of waking up: playing dolphin diving in, and out of sleep between online research, and article reading. Love it! As I freely let my mind wonder, and make original internet searches, I increased my knowledge on neurotransmitters, and boar taint tasting meat of traditional pig farming.
By 8 it was time to get to school for my math tutoring, and some studying. It was a very productive tutoring session, and I enjoyed the company of one of my study buddies afterwards to work further on my homework. We accomplished a lot today, it was very satisfying to collaborate. I get so much satisfaction interacting in a learning frame, it’s unbelievably satisfying. Tomorrow’s objective is to tackle as much chemistry exercises as possible. It’s going to be a big week, and I have to step it up.
Once more, I have an algebra quizz along with a homework on a chemistry lab week. That’s particularly demanding so I have to stay focus, and tackle things as fast as possible. I’m startegizing to cut down on my lab report time by optimizing my work, and avoiding rewriting over, and over. It’s time I work smarter now that I have a better feel of what’s expected of me.
As my medication is now wearing off, fatigue is catching up to me. I’m happy my new medication seems to be the right match, I can function again. I have a lot of studying ahead so stability is essential.