Calme in the face of bad news
Something deep down my intuition was worried about the room rental arrangement I’d taken about a month prior. I knew things could change, and their was no sign documents to protect me yet. I’m glad I kept some skepticism about this agreement because it didn’t come through. After an extremely restful night (these are rare) I woke up to a message explaining why the room was no longer available. It saddened me, and also annoyed me because I’m one month late on my apartment search at this point. Still, I sent a few messages to see places, asked my mom if she could be my second paire of eyes, and got to school to study.
I calmly, and efficiently did the large majority of my work. All I have to do is review, and submit my work tomorrow. I’ll be able to advance on the chemistry lab report too, and be on time to start the week. I’m no longer interested in steessing out for homework. It seems my brain is slowly understanding that being composed, and methodical is the attitude that reaps more benefits. To know it is one thing, but to implement it takes time. I’m glad my efforts are paying off.
Even if I was alone for my studies, I video chatted during my breaks with one of my study buddies. We like to encourage one another as we go; it really helps. I also vented my disappointment about the room rental cancelation to my friends by text. Their support up lifted me. All and all, it was a positive day considering the circumstances. Resilience is a skill that has to be trained everyday. To keep faith that tomorrow will be better is an art.