Can I combat instant gratification?
Okay this ain’t going to be easy. My lazy self is slightly mad at today’s self-imposed decision; though it’s for the better. Ugh! What a vibe killer, but if I really want to become an expert in feminine microbiome (aka pussy juice doctor) I have to set rules.
Back in Dec 2020, when I was in the early phase of this blogging journey, I thought this plateforme would be a tracking method for a health experiment. So I wrote a post that explained my choice of tracking my measurements and weight. FYI, I couldn’t follow my diet plan as my body rejected it and I totally fell off the wagon on tracking my physical health. Still, back then, I was clear that if I wanted to be objective towards myself and my progress, I had to use a scientific like approach by using tangible measurements. That was the only way I could really see myself truthfully without any personal biases.
Even if my journey led me away from physical performance towards intellectual performance — which I greater value — my desire for accuracy remains. Now that I’m settled in my new place, I’ve taken account of my surroundings and resources, and I stabilized my emotional world, this means that I can get back on the path of consistent tracking. And the dreading starts… Why am I making such a fuss? Well. I’m commiting to blog daily my to-do list and my goals so that everyone can see my progress or lack there of. Ya, not cool because that means everyone will know if I procrastinate or if I fail. That will keep my ego in check and cold shower me with honesty.
As much as this decision is creating discomfort, deep down I know it’s the most reliable method to reach my dream. Life will become awfully predictable and boring from my past-self point of view, but it’s time to seek purpose. It’s exciting to earn unexpected successes though it doesn’t create a reliable future. As my psychoneurology specialist explained, I need to be systematic to achieve specific goals. Only with structure will my brain reach its full potential and defeat its handicaps.
I’m at the final stage of changing my beloved bohemian existence to an inspiring quest of making a lasting difference in the world. Why a lasting difference in the world? The vaginal microbiome of mothers impact the neuropsychological and physiological development of fetuses and infants. Yes, what I want to study matters a lot. Beyond the well-being of women, the well-being of children also is at stakes. It’s a big deal for me and I want to help improve our world in the best way I can. The self-taught skills I acquired from defeating my own issues has had a very positive impact on my well-being. Now, it’s time I figure out all the mechanics behind my homemade remedies so I can share my findings with everyone else.
Gratitude Journal:
I’m grateful to be in school.
Essentials of tomorrow’s to-do:
- Complete my math homework
- Complete Mariposa’s French content review with my new correction program
- Prepare my lunch for my first day of school
Daily (for tomorrow)
Stay calm and enjoy the process of going back to school in person.
Be on time and act on each teacher’s demands.
Commit to doing my homework in advanced and use the university study period to my benefit.
Complete with success my preparation certificate to sciences.
Become a pussy juice doctor.
How does this help me become a pussy juice doctor?
Everything is figureoutable.