Change is my comfort zone.

Judith's Squirrels
1 min readJul 25, 2021

Change is the ultimate constant I feel safe in, so nomadism was a natural fit for me before the pandemic. I enjoy not knowing what will happen the next day, and I thrive in the complexity of resolving logistical entanglements. The more I tell my story to my new friends, the more I realize how unconventional my life is and will remain even if I will be more static when it comes to my physical location.

My upcoming quest to travel the realm of the mind exhilarates me, and I’m glad that my living circumstances will be quieter for this journey. A lot of adventures await, and I’m eager to see what shape it will take. Having taken care of a few tasks to be ready for my semester tickled my palpable excitement today. Each night I close my eyes. I get a little closer to the beginning of my new life. I’m looking forward to settling in my studio apartment, where I will be setting the headquarters of my academic activities. This new nest will certainly have some interesting setups to optimize my efficiency. To be continued.

Gratitude Journal:

I’m grateful for inner guidance.



Judith's Squirrels

Completed diary of a student entering university at forty. Just writing for me. Kaizenka, ex-nomade, foodie, and health nerd.