
Judith's Squirrels
2 min readMay 18, 2022

Thanks to the nice cool weather, I sleeped wonderfully I could study well. I spent almost eight hours at school, and I can trust that I’ll be able to do just as well tomorrow. I want complete my weekly homework earlier so I can get my tutoring on the topics view for that week rather than the previous one. I cross my fingers I will achieve this goal by Friday.

I’ve postponed my gym visits till I had fully recovered from my heat exhaustion, hopefully, I can do a small work out tomorrow. Light, and easy so I can keep my rhythm.

Right now, all I can think of is the fact St has been more communicative this week, and it warms my heart. The hormones of infatuation are still running through my body, but they’re not turning me into a basket case at thus point. As I keep movin forward in my audioreading of, “Taming the outer child,” by Susan Anderson , I gain more tools to manage my moods. Being able to identify the underlying emotional needs behind my rash romantic behaviors is a big achievement.

In parallel, I’m still tending to creating a balanced single living life. One of my favourite Medium author, Lucas Bradley, https://medium.com/@lucasbradley , has wonderful articles on healthy singlehood. As contradictory as it seems, his enlightening advice helps me navigate my new romance while staying connected to my needs, and make choices that nurture my self-integrity. Knowing how to be well on your own is more important than anything else. No matter my romantic endeavors, I have to stay connected to my truth.

Tweaking the pendulum motion of my solo, and social life, is a life long adjustment. Rencently I was thinking: love is patience. Unlike the bible quote, patience is not an adjective to love, but it’s very nature. That’s my vision of it. The most important act of kindness is the patience you give to yourself. One baby step at a time, I will grow.

Gratitude Journal:

I’m grateful for the soothing rainy nights this week.



Judith's Squirrels

Completed diary of a student entering university at forty. Just writing for me. Kaizenka, ex-nomade, foodie, and health nerd.