First garde in, and first day off
Okay, I’m grasping a bit more why my brain gave up on me on my chemistry exam. I pulled off once more the best grade of the class in biology. A staggering 96% when the class average is 58%. Yep, that’s kinda insane for my first university final ever. The problem is that this excess of invested energy on biology studies jeopardized my performance in chemistry. I’m dreading to witness the damage. Nevertheless, I’m happy I performed well on the subject most related to my future field.
Now, I’m enjoying the fantastic company of my dear friends to start off my Holidays. Tomorrow I will join my mother for Christmas eve, and enjoy her traditional Christmas lunch the day after. Then, I’ll wait on COVID updates to see if it’s safe to visit my dad. I’ll be taking special precautions at my mother’s place, and have done so along the way. It’s not much of a celebration though reconnecting is such a treat after so much time away. Within safety limits, I’m enjoying good company.