Funny start to a funny end
It definitely was the lab we had the most fun with our chemistry teacher. Not only the experiences were interesting, and educational, we also brilliantly succeeded. The best part is that the cocky guy who seemed to snob me because I didn’t look like a good student had to turn to me multiple times for answers on how to proceed. From our first lab running like chickens without heads to this masterful performance, my lab partner, and I have grown leaps and bounds.
I left for school at such an ear time that I couldn’t decently prepare a lunch, just a bit of breakfast. I returned home early, and completed the bulk of my laboratory report as intended. No procrastination. I even had time to get me increased ADD meds prescription, answer two important phone calls, and pass by the bank. Yah, mega productivity. I’m going to bed a bit late, but with the satisfaction of a job well done. I also had the pleasure of laughing one more time thanks to my friend B, the wife of R. She sent me delightful nerdy jokes that brightened my bedtime routine.