Global success is an accumulation of small steps.
That was a good comeback to the brain gym! My muscle feels sore, but it will get in shape as the days continue. Nothing wakes up the neocortex like learning subjects we are not usually drawn to. Would I randomly watch videos or search about prime factorization and division tables? I may forget once more this mathematical jargon in a few years since most jobs don’t use those concepts regularly; still, it feels good to exercise my synapses in that fashion. Even the teacher said there’s no real practical use for these mathematical concepts; it’s just mental plasticity fun.
To be totally honest, with the number of projects I have on the go, I was in a mild state of freaking out in the morning, but I chose to breathe and wait. To be patient and trust in the process. It’s interesting to observe that if I don't let my mind rehearse the worst-case scenarios and don’t attempt to figure out every possible outcome — which is lost cognitive power on worries — I can re-channel this energy in much more productive ways. I managed my squirrels efficiently, yay! My productivity is increasing in notable increments, but I don't feel exhausted. Actually, it was much more tiring to wonder and wait for the next stages of my journey to unfold. Now that it has started, I’m happy and relieved that things are finally moving towards something meaningful.
It’s so much easier to take action with a clear purpose. I rarely felt this amount of certainty in my life, and I know for sure and more than ever, going back to school, no matter which program I’ll end up doing is the right choice. Studying while the world is recovering from COVID-19 will be a smart way to orient my efforts. Having a fresh new set of skills to enter a totally unforeseen tomorrow will definitely give me an edge to reenter the job market. I’m happy that this momentary cascade of learning will lead me to a better quality of life.
For now, I need to remind myself that all will unfold as it should. Worrying will only steal away my precious brain juice and propel me into a self-fulfilling prophecy. I just need to keep taking tiny little steps. It doesn’t matter how slow advancement may be on some facets of my life; a small leap is still good enough. My response for my study financial support has not yet arrived, and I’ve come to the hard decision that if I get refused for that help, I will have to drop out of my current courses and start again after my move to a more affordable school. One way or another, I’m taking account of my skills now, and I’m already on the way to my goal. I’m keeping my eyes on the prize: microbiology. No matter the twists and turns, that’s where I want to land in a year or so.