Google, Scrabble, and babel.

Judith's Squirrels
2 min readJan 4, 2022

It was a productive day filled with connection, and fun. I got out of the house relatively early, and finally got my new phone, and my new Chromebook. My current laptop was starting to give up on me, and my phone many glitches indicated it was time for an upgrade. I found great Holiday deals, saved significant amounts of money on both devices, and will be IT equipped for the next 5 years or more. That’s if no accidents occur or if some random changes in technology renders my devices obsolete.

I’m usually good at taking care of my belongings, and I’ve kept my computers, and phones for many years before. I’m confident all will go well. After my targeted purchases, I came back to R’s home for more chit chats, and relaxation. We ate the many leftovers from the Holidays, and enjoyed some Scrabble. I’ve found an fantastic playmate in B, R’s wife, who adore this game as much as I do. Many fun evenings are to be expected in the future. Also, R’s daughter enjoys the challenge of finding good words, and will join in from time to time. It’s a merry discovery that B and I are avid players of this classic family game.

I completed my last evening in good company with a phone chat with my dear friend S. She’s looking to continue her university studies part time to do something more meaningful than her current job. As a single mom she has to make tough financial choices, but she will get there. She’s a strong woman, and when she puts her mind on something, she achieves it. We talked school for a bit, and shared once more my endless passion for microbiology. Talking about school, I finally got my chemistry grades, and I’m mesmerized. Wait for my gratitude journal.

S is so happy I finally found my calling, and that faith is on my side this year, so am I. It’s extraordinary the number of graces that lined up to allow me to thrive in school. Yes, I’ve put in work, and efforts to move, and figure out my school financing. Yet again, I stayed focused, and determined to achieve my goal. This are now settling into to place, and 2022 will be an even better year of performance.

Gratitude Journal:

I’m grateful to have 76% in my final for a total garde of 80% in chemistry!



Judith's Squirrels

Completed diary of a student entering university at forty. Just writing for me. Kaizenka, ex-nomade, foodie, and health nerd.