The lovers synced and tackled a lot today. In preparation for our weekend out of town at a friend’s gathering, L and I have been tying our loose ends of the week. Our schedules now having been cleared, we can enjoy our time off starting tonight.
The start of our day was interesting and more progress was made in the realm of communication and understanding one another, all of it in love and harmony. It’s absolutely amazing to be in a relationship with an excellent communicator with long-term relationship experience; it’s a world of difference from the dating I did in my thirties. It was a matter of time for the second batch of good partners to be released back into the market, and those who read my palm or did my numerology that predicted I would find love in my early forties were very much on target. If only I would have understood that in my younger years, it would have prevented many heartbreaks.
Having stretched our life expectancies and living by higher emotional satisfaction standards in this millennia, it’s comforting to know we all have a shot at happiness at different stages of life. This new dating reality has also reached my dear friend S, and we both agree that our dating lives have greatly improved in the past year. This light at the end of the tunnel of my loneliness brings me great joy.