Just one more addition
Pun intended. I wanted to get back home from school early, but at each hour when it was time to catch my bus, I wanted to complete one more note in my lab report, or one more calculation in my algebra homework. I did make progress on ny assignments this weekend, but I still feel like ot wasn’t enough. So much will be coming at me fast this week, and the mid terms are now scheduled. It seems all is happening too fast.
From the beginning of my search for a new apartment to trying to understand my math class with tutoring, to staying in balance health wise, I feel like I have too much on my plate. Once more I don’t understand how some students can take 4 or even 5 classes, work, or have children, and still do it all. Quite frankly, with the immense demands made on today’s students, no wonder why everybody seems to be functioning on meds. It’s worrying. I will persevere no matter what, but I’m hoping to become more at ease when the subjects are focused in one discipline.
I’m now home, in bed, with math papers on my laps, and a difficulty to turn away from them. I have to wake up extra early tomorrow to get some routine blood work done before pushing through a stressful week with a long to do list. I don’t want to become as drained as last week. I’ll have to figure out the right medication dosage to function well. I’m fearful. I feel I should have done more, that I shouldn’t rest just yet. It would be unwise, my health matters most. Still, I want to finish everything right away.
Tonight is an exercise in self-discipline. I can do all that work in the morning. I will be fine. I need to tell myself as worries are trying to take control. Breathing in,…, and out. It will be alright.