So much of what I saw at the beginning of the session makes sense now. All the terminology, and principles that were alien to me have a context now. I can understand so beyond just what is said or showed, and it feels amazing. I wish teachers would start by giving a broad stoke of all the concepts, and how they’re interlinked before getting into the details. So say students have to figure out the links on their own, but I think it’s disconnecting the students from the subject.
When you have a general sense of why something is, it’s much easier to learn elements about it. I found that this session’s classes, including chemistry, where disjointed confusing classes. I’m gald I have a good tutor that helped me organize the mess. We had a productive 3 hours review session today in preparation for the exam. It went fantastically. I hope he will be available this Summer to help me with differential calculus, and mechanical physics.
Again, I’m in full blown study mode. I can’t think, feel or live anything, but my binge of information. My math teacher refused to give me, and my homework partner any point for our work. I placed a complaint to the directress to see if something can be done. At least I did everything I could to try to fix the situation. What I need to focus on is rest. Tomorrow is my last exam, and I will crush it just like the way I want to crush that mediocre teacher’s gonades.