Living with partial satisfaction
Everyone knows that a rested mind studies better. Only today did I realize the extent of my fatigue as I slept through 10 hours straight. Since the beginning of my new medication, my sleep has deepened allowing my body and mind to fully recover. It feels great to be able to go through calculation at a mildly faster pace.
Nothing to go crazy for, but it’s an improvement. The downside is that I spent less time studying that I wished since my nights have been longer. Regardless, my revision for the mid-terms is going well and I will make sure to stay rested to keep my clarity.
There’s been no major events nore breakthroughs, and my days consists of studies and house shores. Excitement will be for another time. Boring is all I can handle anyway at this moment. With the amount of work I have to put in for school, I wouldn’t to have to deal with anything else.