Luckily, I could talk on the phone
Today, I woke up energized and ready to conquer the day. I made a to-do list with many simple items and started with high hopes of getting most of it done. Eco-consciousness is a noble trait, but it dose lur me in projects that eventually demand extensive efforts. A few months back, I painted one of my shelving units because it matched better my bathroom environment then. Though, in my new place, the original color fits better. Wanting to reduce my consumerism I decided I would remove the paint and reuse this perfectly good shelf. Wrong!
Four hours later, sweaty and with an aching arm, I realized that giving that shelf to the thrift store and getting a new one once moved was the better option. Between a vision that is 20/20 in hindsight and the sunk cost fallacy that pushed me to go through this project since I paid for this shelving unit to be moved and had started to scrap it clean yesterday, I went through this messy and mindless shore with little enthusiasm.
Thankfully, I spent most of that time on the phone with good friends. Still, half a day on one minor project is frustrating. Especially when my to-do list is barely completed. Time to let this unpleasant experience behind me and focus on what really matters: school.
By the way, this is an intense semester as I will have school six days a week. Yikes! Algebra at 9 am on a Saturday will be interesting for sure. I don’t go out since my health no longer tolerates the demands of the nightlife, I’m sure I’ll entertained by the student faces during that class. Fun times ahead.