Measurements, checked!

Judith's Squirrels
2 min readFeb 11, 2021

Today followed like a series of check marks on a to-do list and I’m wrapping up a highly productive day still relaxed and not completely exhausted. Hurray! My vitality seems sustained for the past 2 weeks. Thanks to the abundance of light I get from the 7th floor over here, my natural rhythm is coming back. I do admit the sentiment of independence that has grown since I’ve moved in my own solo place did boost my self-esteem and nurtures my need for freedom.

I was worried this may impact my most important relationship since we are planning to be together at a distance for a good 3 years or more. I’m grateful my other half has encouraged me throughout the relationship to maintain my autonomy and is my biggest fan when it comes to my study endeavours. I haven’t lived on my own under a long-term lease since 2012 and I had forgotten the joys of making a space mine. Indulging in my passion for organizing small studios while gazing at a breathtaking view does uplift my morale on a daily basis.

I did express concerns a few weeks ago as I didn’t follow any of my original plans I had elaborated last year, though what I’m currently living fills my soul with optimism. Sometimes, the path of least resistance guides us on a current that leads to not previously considered yet beneficial outcomes.

Now, to come back to my 2-year health journey experiment that has not at all unfolded as planned as my body rejected carbs, here are today’s measurements. I haven’t figured out what to do with this 24 months commitment towards my health and exploring the best path to my performance, but I’m maintaining an open mind to see how to leverage my motivation. That it simply keeps me on track with my well-being is enough of a reason for me to persevere now and in the future.

Judith L-P Measurements Feb 2021.

What those numbers tell me is that moving took a lot of energy from me resulting in a minor weight loss. Nothing abnormal nor alarming, all is well and I’m in a healthy body.



Judith's Squirrels

Completed diary of a student entering university at forty. Just writing for me. Kaizenka, ex-nomade, foodie, and health nerd.