Most of my studying got tackled, but my health is out of wack.
I very happy with my study performance this week. I pushed through every single day, and made great progress in both my courses consistently. I’ve done the first draft of my physics homework, and started shipping away at my math quizz. I’m glad I’ve been persistent. I’ll have to do a little studying this weekend, but nothing major.
On a less cheerful note, my health isn’t great at all. Heart palpitations have returned, I got a massive hypoglycemic crash in the afternoon shakes, sweats, and all. I need to exercise more. I keep saying it, but at this point my body is imposing it. I do have a hard time managing studying with other aspects of life. I want to allocate as much as I can to my books so I can stay on top of things, and I get very anxious at spending time on anything else. My sleep cycle has improved in the passed month so I have to make the effort to use our buildings gym regularly. A short twenty minutes will make all the difference. Also, I’ll have to be rigorous on not adding too much time as I get stronger. I always want to do more, and I end up creating unrealistic routines. “Simple health”, that the moto.
St is being supportive as always. He’s my lighthouse, the Sun of my days, my handsome love. Living with him is a great gift. I’m a very lucky woman.