New Year’s Eve curfew

Judith's Squirrels
2 min readJan 1, 2022

That’s right, it was announced today, but that’s not the worst. The last minute closure of restaurants dinning room is totally unfair to the businesses left with excess food stocks, and no possibility to have a return on their expenses. A total waste, and another display of governments inability to serve the people they’re supposed to work for.

I’m not loosing sight of Omicron’s ravages. I know we had to do something to stop the curve, still, this decision from our authorities could have been done sooner, and more responsibly. It’s even more frustrating to see this measure taking place when certain contaminated workers will be allowed to work among the population. As an ex professional cook, I feel for restaurants. What’s happening to this industry is a tragedy. Considering that the food industry usually employs the more vulnerable strata of society, this disconnected decision from the rich cripples once more the poor.

Yes, I’m renting in my last post of the year, but I need to let it out. I’ve been displeased for the past two years by the choices of most government around the world. I believe in vaccination, and also understand it’s benefits, and limitations. Covid is real, and is dangerous. The world is rolling with the punches, and everybody is trying to figure out how to manage this pandemic. Regardless, I believe certain decisions could have been done differently. Resources could have been distributed more strategically. A lot could have been done to prevent many financial disasters, especially among those already struggling.

Of course, we all have our opinion, and speculate on various solutions. I’m no hero, and I have absolutely no influence politically, economically, or socially. I’m yet another winning blogger among hundreds of thousands. Regardless, on this new year’s eve, I will vent. I want to eject my discontent, and hopefully can start 2022 on a better note. It will be an online scholl return on January 6th, I’m getting ready. I’m particularly happy I chose to do my math class virtually before the new measures. I will be fine, but I can’t help but think of those who aren’t in my position. To them, I send my sincere sympathy. May they find more support in the new year.

Gratitude Journal:

I’m grateful for having chosen to take refuge in academia in this time of uncertainty.



Judith's Squirrels

Completed diary of a student entering university at forty. Just writing for me. Kaizenka, ex-nomade, foodie, and health nerd.