Plans for Nigel
Inspired by the concert of Nouvelle Vague we attended Friday, St, and I decided to call our tiny home project: Nigel. It helps that St, and I love that 80’s song too. We have decided on our first purchase for our future project this morning. We both are in love with the 80/20 aluminum rod system. We nerded out on it for a bit before we joined St’s brother for lunch.
The little guy was a bit congested today, but all of us seemed perfectly fine. During our babysitting fun yesterday, St, and I were sneezed on, and drooled. We are all on the same boat at this point. Luckily I’m off this week wish helps with staying on the downlow. We’re not very concerned because there’s no signs of it being anything Covid related, and the toddler is active, and functional. He just has more mucus than usual.
To come back to our tiny house dream, we can’t believe how many things we agree on St, and I. We enjoy the same type of design, and anesthetic. We get excited about thw same type of technology, and innovation. We use different startegy, and logic to get things done, but we achieve concensus evry times.
We are becoming more, and more aware of how unbelievably perfect we are for eachother. Our compatible temperaments makes living together a blessing. We do thrive as a couple, and is only the beginning. We still are in the honeymoon phasw, but we make a point of making sure we don’t filter ourselves. We behave as authentically with eachother as possible. Farts, pimples, bickering, and all.
We haven’t displeased eachother yet, and we haven’t had any unresolved disagreement. Our innate curiosity helps use question rather than conclude when we seem in dissonance. With small tweaks on the deffinition we have of things is usually all that suffice to have us see eye to eye. Our loving gaze remains in all conversations.