Productive days
I submitted my math homework a little passed 10 pm last night, and passed out forgetting to blog. Back to studying physics this week as I’m getting ready for my final. One more semester almost completed. I look at all I’ve accomplished and I’m very happy with all that I’ve learned. I wish I could learn more faster, but I’m still learning well.
Also, I out did myself at dinner preparing an Arctic char tartar, with Arctic char croquettes along with delicious sauces, and side dishes. We also started our meal with a sea salt rocks, and star anise fish fumet. St, and I both agree that we prepare better meals than restaurants. Why go out when we’ll be more satisfied at home? Since our last fancy restaurant meal, we’ve agreed that we prefer spending the money on high value ingredients we can trace back to it’s producer, and make a selection that fits our health needs.
I made fabulous progress iny physics studies today, and intend to conquer more of this tomorrow before weekend of love with my best-friend boyfriend. Life is good.