Sleppy sleppy oy oy

Judith's Squirrels
1 min readMar 15, 2022

Unfortunately yesterday’s abondance carried through the night, and kept me awake. I’m under the impression a hormonal imbalance is affect my metabolism right now. I remember a few occasions in the past when one of those estrogen boost happened triggering all kinds of weird symptoms. Currently signs of this imbalance are manisfesting, and I’ll have to be particularly cautious with my health. I’m minutes away from an early bed time, and I’ll make sure to start exercising again to stabilize my energy.

As for school, it will be a busy week, my algebra class this week is not only harder to comprehend, but I also have a quizz, and a homework to handout by Sunday. As for chemistry, I have a lab which will demand a report by next week. I’ve already asked my math tutor for extra help for my math homework, and quiz. I’ll pull all my resources again to conquer this hurdle. Also, my new study buddies can help me too. I’m way less helpless as in the beginning of the semester thankfully.

All I can think of right now is my pillow. Nothing extraordinary has happened so I’ll write more when the occasion presents itself.

Gratitude Journal :

I’m grateful to only have 2 courses.



Judith's Squirrels

Completed diary of a student entering university at forty. Just writing for me. Kaizenka, ex-nomade, foodie, and health nerd.