Slow but on the go
As expected, I was pretty tired most of the day, but I checked marked a fair bit of items on my to-do list. I filed in my taxes at my new accounts office, I met with my chemistry teacher to clarify how to do some calculations, I took a shower on campus since the hot water is down in my building, and I worked a bit on my chemistry lab report. Now, I’m going back home for an extra early bed time. I’m exhausted from yesterday’s all-nighter.
One thing I’m very happy about is that most students didn’t do the homework at all. Even if I was a little late to submit my documents, I worked my ass off. Once more, when I think I’m doing worst than everybody, I manage to actually perform well.
On the theme of cognitive performance, my chemistry teacher asked me if I considered looking into an ADD diagnosis. He was being careful, and cautious about his question, and I enthusiastically amswer yes, since last year. He also has ADD, the non-hyperactive type like me. Now I get why we are so playful when interacting, this is are commonality. And as I expected, through a “we” comment about the plants his owns at home confirmed to me he is inded in a relationship. I’m glad I’m capable of understanding why their was this natural friendliness between us; our brains think alike. It settles the matter as to why I was so joyous to interact with him on my first appointment.
Now a cup of warm herbal tea, soft music, fluffy blankets, and calm awaits. Tomorrow, I gotta increase the pace because I’m still late on my chemistry homework, and I want to listen to my online math classes sooner in the week to give me more time to do my home work. To do that, sleep is needed first.