Snow, the cruel reminder.

Judith's Squirrels
1 min readNov 16, 2021

This is what Canadians see as the official start of Winter: the first snow. The white freezing hell of the North has started. Okay, I’m being overly dramatic, but nevertheless, this is a daily obstacle to mediate.

An extra 5 minutes of preparation will be allocated to all my trips out to make sure I have the proper attire to face the elements. I’ll be wearing more layers which will add up to more laundry each week. Also, additional time, and energy expenditures will be required on my walks to essential destinations. The joys of Nordic climate.

The weather change didn’t deflate my motivation though, and I tackled a fair amount of homework. I followed up with the student loans and grants office; still waiting on a response. Other than that, I finally got my air purifier filters which means less smoke from my neighbors in my apartment. This serie of little steps got me to a satisfying outcome. No big wins, but progress was made.

Other than the clouds’ snot falling from the sky, nothing else evoked noticeable feelings. As mentioned in previous post, for my circumstances, uneventful is good. Stability is my goal, and this was a successful day in that department.

Gratitude Journal:

I’m grateful for the frequent bus service of my new town.



Judith's Squirrels

Completed diary of a student entering university at forty. Just writing for me. Kaizenka, ex-nomade, foodie, and health nerd.