Thank you focus!
Yas! My brain has been working well, and consistently so far this week without compromising my energy levels. After years of a disregulated stress response, 2 years of chronic fatigue, and a depressive episode, this. is. AMAZING! I’ll be keeping things exactly as they are: good food, good sleep, and no excitement. Having learned about regulation through the book, “What happened to you?” I can now embrace the art of routine.
My life has been a continuous stream of unpredictability, some times good though mostly bad. I adored the excitement, but I was going at a pace that burned my adrenal glands. I’ll always welcome change, it’s an essential part of my growth, and my favourite environment to express my creativity for solution seeking. What’s important from now on is to remember to do it in a healthy way. To give myself plenty of time to recover, and regulate my emotions.
Right now, the only stress I will allow is my studies, and even this has to be in a moderate dose. Not having to fight with my attention, and flying through the pages brings me incredible joy. I can’t believe how much I improved in 3 months, it’s crazy. Next semester’s math will be the next challenge, but I’m up for the challenge. For as long as I don’t let any life event interfere, I’m good.
The first chapter of the completion of a dream is coming to an end, and I’m thrilled. My study pace is back on track, and I will maximize my available time to assimilate as much information as I can. I’m excited to see how I will do. Confidence is on my side tonight.