The decisive week
I’m a few days away from the deadline to abandon the classes I’ve chosen to do next semester. I found help at the student loans and grants office, but I’m super squeezed on time. I hope all will fall into place in good standing as we are attempting to create a little bureaucratic miracle. A very very very rare occurrence for having worked in large, and slow institutions in earlier decades.
It seems that I’m not the only one who decided to go back to school because of the pandemic. They are dealing with more demands for student financial help than ever before. It’s not surprising considering the level of uncertainty people had to juggle with because of the pandemic, and the lack of decent jobs. I’m glad I’m being taken care of by the state right now, but I’m also fully aware that all this money that the government have been giving during isolation is going to hurt our economy real bad. How soon will the financial backlash occur is a question no one can answer at the moment.
While coming across an article about eliminating student dept in the US, and remembering the talks of universal salary going on here in Canada, Northern society is facing an historical time of decisions. Are we going to relate to the economy in a completely new way where resources are constantly available, and value is established by the state rather than the markets? Or will Westerners come to the bitter disillusion that the only way of creating value comes from hard work, and cannot be artificially established? My wording may sound like I’m a supporter of the latter option, but not necessarily. From the old financial model I’ve learned while working in brokerage to the possibilities of societal advancement, I really cannot tell what will prevail, and to which degree. Will it be partial or a sole outcome of those two scenarios, or maybe even none of those? Again, I’m just playing a partially educated speculation game.
The only thing I can tell is that, the days to come in my life will be played tight. Many important decisions will be made in regards to my studies. It’s a bit nerve wrecking, but I trust that no matter what, I will figure it out. On this self-confident note, I’ll unwind for bed, and hopefully get good rest before the moments of truth start their domino effect.