The failed binges
This is hilarious! Here I am, planning to have decadent meals for Christmas and one got postponed while the other, hosted by a health coach — and the 2 guests, me included, were counting calories! My hopes for a cheat day have been crushed. I’ve displayed a ridiculous amount of discipline this Holiday season so far and I’m a little frustrated, to be honest. Though my wish could be fulfilled closer to New Year and cross my fingers for a chance to display my ability to manifest multiple stomachs when presented with multiple food options. The choice to eat in a specific way is one to be reasserted at every meal, at every treat presentation, the temptation of every delightful looking ad, and in all social settings.
Gathering around food is as old as humanity itself, and now even more so that our metabolism has evolved to produce 2 of our most powerful neurotransmitters during those social meals. Serotonin is largely released by the guts when eating carbohydrates, and dopamine is produced when socializing. This addictive feel-good cocktail is almost impossible to overcome. Now, add to that constant reinforcement through advertising plus celebratory music and you are literally driven in a frenzied eating trance! After a demanding year, I wanted a Holiday high in one form or another but I have established for myself a rule: never to consume alone. Festive foods are for festivities among loved ones. I’m totally cool with a party of 2 and I can get pretty wild in small meal settings, as long as I don’t do it alone. A personal safety net for sobriety. I will endure my culinary discontent for when the proper occasion will arise, I will make it count.
Interestingly, I realize how different my portion sizes vary depending on the people who company me. My fellow epicureans don’t have to twist my rubber arm that much to get me to tag along in dietary shenanigans. Thinking of all those orgasmic food explorations makes me crave…
The hell with it! It’s Christmas and I will give myself a treat! (goes to the food diary app and adds dried apricot) 1, just 1 dried apricot to feel like I got a little something after all. It’s proven that low glycemic index simple sugars are the best to release serotonin without having insulin crash the party. Here! Done. Over by 197 calories, not my definition of a cheat day but once more, it will come, it’s inevitable. Thank you apricot for making me feel it’s the Holidays.
“Comfort” food… It’s no joke.
Breathe in and out now Judith. Boil some water, make yourself a caffeine-free chai with English toffee flavoured stevia (added the hot beverage to my diary), warm beverages always help cutting down emotional cravings. Savour your 1 apricot to the fullest, make it a quiet celebration. Be mindful of your bedtime treat. Be thankful for having had 2 wonderfully relaxing days. Be proud of having stayed on track, honouring your health commitment. Love yourself and enjoy this end of the day reward. The choice to eat in a specific way is one to be reasserted at every moment.The failed binges
Merry Christmas and stay healthy!