The first benchmark
My first tests and graded assignments start tomorrow. Trying to stay above the water after a week of constant unexpected demands leaves me tired. Though simultaneously, I’m joyous for the challenge and I’m confident that I will make it. The speed as to which I managed to remember my past knowledge is showing that my brain is flexible and potentially more able to learn than in my youth.
Not having to deal with untreated mental illness, my mind has more space to welcome new information. My self-love forgives my mistakes and encourages me to keep trying. My life experience has taught me that all is temporary and I can make it on the other end. I’m more apt to take breaks when I need and push through when I don’t. I can better evaluate my priorities and I manage my time more wisely. Practice makes perfect and going back to school as an adult makes it so much easier.
As per, “chart shows in 2014 globally 34% of those within 5 years of finishing secondary education were enrolled in tertiary education.” I have the privilege to study and will continue to see my position as a gift. Fatigue feels good in that context, obviously without excess.
What an amazing journey to pursue my academic dream. I’ve taken my health walk and seen my chiro to make sure tension doesn’t overbuild in my shoulders. I’m eating well and have kept the pillars of my health in place even if I’m sleeping a little less. This week is on a good start and I feel I will be adjusted to this fast pace soon.