The post that doesn’t want to write itself
As I’ve been trying to organize thoughts for the past five days, I’m confronted with a draft that is taking forever to come together. In the past four months, most of my writings have been spontaneous inspirations of the moment, but this new post I’m working on, which is important to my heart, is giving me a real hard time. It’s either too redundant or not cohesive enough, ugh! I’m exhausted and need to go to bed so I can be productive tomorrow. I will work on my writing once more tomorrow and when it’s ready, I will share it.
Things are moving along great with my school planning and my heart is getting lighter with every day that passes. My readings have tremendously helped me recover from my break up, especially “Untamed” which I’m re-devouring in the hard copy form along with highlights of my favourite passages. I also started audio-reading at double the speed “Strech” by Scott Sonenshein while grocery shopping. It reminds me that during times of financial constrictions, I do in fact become particularly imaginative in my life solutions.
One small step at a time, I’m getting closer to my goal. School awaits in two weeks and a half, happy butterflies are filling my stomach!