Time for the final push
The last assignments are lining up, study plans have been delivered, and exams locations have been updated. We got only one more week of class before the study period for the finals starts. A healthy dose of stress is kicking in allowing me to gather the necessary motivation to climb over this hill.
What a journey this semester has been. One thing for sure, I’m super proud of myself, and my progress. To think I knew nothing about chemistry when I started, and that I now can understand the details in Wikipedia when researching a substance’s description is mind blowing. By the end of the next semester, I be fully able to predict the chemical reactions of my beauty mixes, and considerably improve them. I’m already equipped to understand so much more of the material about health I love glancing through. Deepening my understanding of the world is exhilerating; knowledge is an infinite ocean I joyfully dive in. School is so much fun! Hardwork, but fun!
To find the answers to the most important questions I have about health, particularly towards my chronic illnesses is my biggest driving force. To understand all the dynamics behind an issue brings me immense joy. For all the problems the pandemic has brought to the world, it did one good thing for me; it pushed me to commit to studying full-time this year, and not later. This was the best decision I’ve ever made.
2021 had it’s load of sorrow, and problems. Luckily, I get to end the year rejoicing for having found my calling, gotten back on my feet after a crushing break up, setting up a lasting financial structure for my studies, and gaining more autonomy. I have lots to celebrate over the Holidays, and even more to hope for in the new year.