Time to crunch that studying

Judith's Squirrels
2 min readDec 18, 2021

The pressure is on. Two more days of studies before my first exam, and nervosity is kicking in. I’m a little tired, but I can push through. I don’t have much wiggle room, but I’ve scored another 100% on today’s quizz in chemistry which reassures me a bit. Still, I need to come back to my biology material which is intimidating considering the amount of vocabulary I have to memorize.

I’ve been fairly constant in the number of hours I’ve put in each, but this weekend, I’ll have to push a but more. As long as my energy remains, and my study pace doesn’t slow down, I will be okay. I enjoy focusing on one subject at a time though I won’t have this luxury. There’s only one day between my exams, and I know I will be recovering from the first evaluation for a good part of the day leaving me with little revision time then. Some extra planning is required to make sure I cover every notions, and have enough time to learn by heart my terminology.

Again, I’m blabbering about the details of my studies because I’m nervous. At least I’m not scared like last time, still, I want to be ready. Thanks to binaural beats, I manage to maintain better focus when my brain feels like screaming Christmas carols at me internally. That bratty encephal of mine! Loving what I’m learning really helps being disciplined. When I’m tired, my neurons do what ever they want no matter how absurd. Talking about taming the whirlwind of ideas, time for bed. I have to get up early, and get my studies done before Monday. Night night!

Gratitude Journal:

I’m grateful for the quiet corners of my university where studying is easy.



Judith's Squirrels

Completed diary of a student entering university at forty. Just writing for me. Kaizenka, ex-nomade, foodie, and health nerd.