Trypping balls licking bowls
Okay it’s an exageration of my first experience using ADD medication. My senses, and perception were mildly altered which made finishing eating my small bowl of yogurt quite interesting this morning. My slightly high feeling subsided after 2 hours, and I engaged in a highly productive day.
I had much backed up cleaning to do, as well as erands to run so studies were put on hold the time to fix my living conditions. It all got done in optimal time before enjoying a relaxing dinner. I’ll have to be careful about this new medication because it very much cuts the appetite. I was cautionned by my doctor, and pharmacist, but still, the effect is important. As a foodie who lives most of her joy through her taste buds, it’s something I’ll have to manage carefully. On the plus side, hunger won’t occupy so much of my daily brain space. As long as I can get uplifted by my favourite foods, I’ll be happy.
On an other topic, I read the best article on changing the masculin culture just now, here’s the link: . It’s an important read for everyone to understand the massive changes our society is undergoing, and how to adequately navigate these new times. His focus on having men reclaim their emotional intelligence is crucial if we want to solve the problems our world is facing. Being able to deeply connect, and relate to one an other is a must to find sustainable solutions.
I also finished audio reading, “Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” I’m glad the last chapter focused on increasing our own emotional maturity. It realy help me grasp better what I need to work on to become more harmonious with myself, and others. When it will be time, I’m looking forward to use my new skills to start a relationship with a lovely lady.
Another thing I discovered bouncing from one website to the next is that I’m a demisexual. The definition ressembles a lot being sapiophile, but demisexual is a recognized orientation among the LGBTQ+ community, and it also doesn’t sound like a disorder. It’s simple, I can only be secually aroused when living a deep emotional connection. Also, physical sexuality is secondary to the relationship as the emotional intimacy prevails. I’m embracing this new identity, and can now describe myself to be a lesbian by choice demisexual. That’s a mouthful, but it’s the era we live in. Being specific, and concise doesn’t hurt.
Even if I was quite busy checking off my to-do list as well as entertaining my curiosity by reading, a sentiment followed me all day. I was sad that P chose not to continue our romance. Despite the obvious feelings we still share, and aigns that his not yet over me, I have to let it go. No matter his motivations, I have to respect them, and move on. It’s hard, but I’ve been working on bringing closure to this relationship for almodt a year. I deserve to turn the page, and enable my heart to welcome love when the time is right. For now, my health, emotional and physical, is what matters most along with my studies. Creating the life I want must continue.