Tying all the loose ends
Productivity reigned throughout the day. On all fronts, procedures were being finalized or started getting me closer to my upcoming new life. In two days, I’ll be visiting my new place in person for the first time, and I will have a sense of what to expect for the next year.
L will be arriving tomorrow to start the adventure with me. We are excited and joyous at the thought of all those new beginnings. Talking of beginnings, my friends' daughter had her first day at work, and it went well. We are so proud of her and her maturity. It was heartwarming to hug her and tell her before going into work: “Love yourself for giving yourself this chance at learning.” She confidently smiled and went in.
I adore my friends and the adoptive family they’ve become. I’m in awe of how the kids have grown, and I never get tired of hearing about all their interesting lives. It’s a blessing to be among them.
After this busy day, I’m exhausted and will be going to bed extra early. Tomorrow, I will see my dear L again and will be in his loving embrace. I can’t wait!