Waiting for his return
There’s a condo meeting tonight, and since St is helping with the accounting part of things, he’s attending. I’m home alone after a productive day. Got 60% of my physics homework done, and I took care of a few house shores. He’s away an extra three hours from his usual arrival from work, and I’m missing him. I can keep busy, but busy with him is better.
Inspiration hasn’t manifested itself yet, I’m dragging my fingers at every words. I want to hold him, and cuddle him, and kiss him, and love him, and and… We enjoy so much eachother’s company that we hold hands when we fall a sleep. We simply never have enough. Even if we can spend time apart while at home, we just want to feel eachother’s presence a few meters apart. That I’m absorbed in my science books, or he’s devouring a fiction novel, we know that we can send a kiss through the air, and the other will reciprocate. One “I love you” away is the right distance.
Having spent most of our adulthood single, me in unstable dysfunctional relationships, him alone, we know the value of a good relationship, so we’re grateful for every secondes of healthy companionship. We’re moving passed the infatuation phase, and we laugh as much, talk as much, and appreciate our interactions just as much. No, even more. It has nothing to do with the outside world or following social norms — we dig eachother’s presence.
That human is awesome, and I want to experience as much of him as I can. St’s amazes me. He makes me laugh on a daily, he shows his affection in the kindness most thoughtful ways, I love making him happy, and I could talk about him for days. He’s my human. I love him with all my heart.