What ever could be done
It was a low energy day. I still went to my new university to complete some paperwork, attended a chiro appointment, did my tutoring, and that’s it. I spent the rest of my time sleeping with eating breaks. I’m taking a few minutes to blog on an uneventful Thursday.
I spoke to my chiro about the situation, and verified a few indicator points to see which organs were deficient, and it seems my large intestine is struggling. It confirms my suspicions that I was out of balance. Surprisingly his recommandations are the same as the strategy I was adopting, but he suggests more potent herbal remedies, and probiotics. Too much yeast, not enough of the good bacterias, as always. At least it’s good to have a confirmation on my state.
As hard as it may be to cut off carbs while studying, I have to be strict, and do it because my overall well being depends on it. I won’t be as drastic as I use to be, but cutting off grains, root vegetables, and fruits for a bit will help. I’ll keep my legums, and quinoa to fuel my neurones… and maybe not just my neurones since, well you know…
I’ve been having a real hard time to stay on top of things. Fatigue has been crushing, and demands are constant. We have nothing planned this weekend, and we’re keeping it that way. St is also exhausted; we’re in a dire need for us time.