With a good sleep cycle comes great results
Balance finally! I sleep all night within my allocated time frame, I’m alert, and productive throw out the day, and my mood is fantastic.
I woke up at 6 am happy, and rejuvenated, and attended the yoga class at my gym. After a relaxing shower with some sauna time, I returned home to cook, and join a school friend at her place for some study time. Of course we chatted a fair bit, but it both helped us manage our stress. I feel this friendship will last. Her sense of acceptance, her many life experiences, and travels, as well as her nerdy mind bring a beautiful dynamic to our interactions.
She’s been of great support since I entered university, and I know we will keep sharing each other’s fun findings. She does beauty products, she studied the molecular structure of essential oils, and she’s into health. Our many common interests will fuel our friendship for a while.
I returned home in time for my dinner time, and sleep routine. I did a bit more chemistry exercises, and am now ready to wind down. Building this new bound is giving my more confidence in myself. It seems that by seeing a good student like her struggle too helps me seeing that I’m like everyone. I don’t need to over worry, I will do well because I love what I do.
Also, I’ve been very mindful of managing my stress; it’s the greatest enemy of my learning. I’ve created a new mantra this morning to stop unnecessary stressful thoughts : “will it help me save babies lives?” It’s a meaningful way to refocus on what matters most. It has proven successful so far.
Everytime I feal fear rising, I come back to my current final objective of staying calm. I’ve chosen to focus on rewiring my neuropathways so I can trust my already well mastered knowledge, but most importantly, my ability to resolve problems. Getting ride of perfectionisme to allow my natural abilities to shine is what will make me great student.
I’ve been educting myself on perfectionism, stress, learning, and performance sufficiently to now understand that excelling is about taking your self-criticism out of the way so you can access your talent. As Socrates from “The Peaceful warrior” says while poiting at his forhead pupil: “take out the trash.”